Chubby fingers and a dirty nose
Cries for milk and help with clothes
Worn out jeans and big eyes blue
Needs a haircut and to tie his shoe
Velvet skin and sucks his thumb
Wants tummy full and a freshened bum
Long, gold hair and clothes just so
Yearns to text and go, go, go
Comb that hair; change those clothes
Take your pills; stop picking your nose
Eat your veggies; do your chores
Brush your teeth and don’t slam doors
Spit up dinner; pants on tight
Please, oh please, sleep through the night
Wash the dishes; do not talk trash
Put down the phone and leave my cash
Fill my arms; ease my fears
Justify my work and tears
Soak up life; stop to pray
Ask for help along the way
Be good, be strong, be brave and kind
Never leave your soul behind
Hold my hand and learn to dance
Give my life significance
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