How To Be Unsuccessful
- Don’t try something if you might look foolish.
- Never ask for help.
- Never cry.
- Don’t take risks.
- Work hard and never play.
- Mimic and make fun of people. Invest the time to become a real bully.
- Be afraid to dream.
- Never question authority or the status flow.
- Don’t start until the time is right.
- Wait for someone smarter, better looking, wealthier . . . to do it first.
- Compare yourself to other people.
- Worry
- If you experience fear . . . stop.
- Spend hours a day playing watching tv and playing games alone.
- Complain
- Listen to people who tell you can’t.
- If you don’t understand someone, call them names.
- Only spend time with people you already know.
- Surround yourself with negative people and negative conversations.
- Only listen to people who think just like you.
- Brag about how good you would be IF you tried.
- Never try anything that might not work.
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